It's all part of a cunning plan to associate the protection that rubber gloves give our hands with legislation that will protect child domestic workers from the hazards and dangers of their work. The rubber gloves in question have been very kindly donated by Traidcraft - so we can rest assured they are ethically produced.
I will be taking the gloves to Geneva on Sunday and piloting their use as a lobbying tool with the five child domestic workers...I'm in the middle of packing them and printing off a million bits of paper (child protection stuff) so haven't got a huge amount of time to write a blog - particularly as I'm helping to write one for the children in Geneva. So to keep abreast of progress for the next week please log on to the following blog:
and write your message of support for the children!
Meanwhile - a photo of the mountain of gloves with Evi and Maya who loved opening up all the boxes!
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