
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year

To be honest 2012 was a bit rubbish - I'm glad it's 2013.  I've debated about how honest to be in my blog but I'm not very good at lying or 'spinning' so here goes. Children Unite is facing challenging financial times - a phrase somewhat overused I imagine given the current economic climate. I've heard that 1 in 4 charities are closing down.  Jonathan's illness this year has had quite a big impact on Children Unite, it meant that, in addition to projects we were committed to working on, I only had time to work on developing one new grant funded project; and we found out in early December that this was rejected (albeit with a recommendation to re-apply in 2013). So, austerity measures are in place: we've moved out of the office and I'm working from the dining room table again (Jonathan's in the shed!), and I've said to trustees I can work voluntarily for the next 4 months if needs be...and needs probably will be.

Despite this, we're not really in such a bad position. From talking to others running similar small charities all of them seem to have gone through a 'challenging financial time' at some point and, it's forced us (staff and trustees) to re-evaluate our strategic plan, ask some difficult questions and be open to creative solutions. And I'm asking for help left, right and centre! And finally, when I opened two cheques this morning (from Rayleigh Methodist Church and Darlington District of Methodist Women in Britain) I was almost moved to tears by their generosity and support of our work (much better than the two letters from Revenue and Customs who were confused about our change of address!).

So it's good to have 2012 behind us and a fresh start for 2013 and it is with much feeling that I wish a happy, healthy and PROSPEROUS  New Year to you all!

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